The link between Thongs and Global Change


Podcast : “The Link Between Thongs and Global Change”

Podcast Q&A Session with Mara and Eirik

Q&A let’s us rethink what we think we know and even what we think humanity knows, and try to get closer to something valuable and true. If you ever wondered what the link between capitalism and thongs, this is the podcast for you. We dive into how much of the world really is just thoughts we have made up, and have been made real over time — And how the only way to have a new world is to dramatically RETHINK the world we have created.

We live in an ocean of assumptions, stories, collective imagination and with all the moving parts of the world, it’s hard to navigate what’s real and what’s not; what’s helpful and not helpful; whats seems good for us NOW vs whats whats good for the planet for the next 500 years and beyond. We live in the effect of our thinking whether we like it or not.

We live in the effect of our thinking whether we like it or not.

These are some of the questions we use to fuel the discussion in this podcast  

1. How can you say there is ONE solution in the midst of so many complex problems?

2. Whats the link between personal problems and global problems?

3. How can we inspire people to care about the world when people seem only care about themselves?

We really get into these questions and hopefully can point to something new for you as a listener. So grab a cup of tea, or put your headphones into your ears on the tube and enjoy our most recent podcast!

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