Alf Pille

Podcast: “Save our birds, conserve our nature and transform the world – with Alf Pille”

We are BACK! In this podcast you get to meet Alf Pille, the CEO of the nature conservation non profit “Bavarian Society for the protection of birds”. It’s a 111 years old NGO with over 100.000 supporters, and in this podcast, we explore the evolution of the organization, of Alf as a leader as well as the evolution of mankind!

In this podcast we explore

  • The relationship between nature conservation and company culture.
  • How the states of our minds affect the state of our organizations and therefore our impact. (including creating room for people to be themselves, whether that’s happy or sad)
  • How to think about time and pace of change by observing nature.
  • Caring about the world without burning out.
  • The power of realizing we are part of nature in environments of science and measurement.
  • The most important thing to focus on when running a nonprofit or any organization.

We hope you enjoy this podcast as much as we do!

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