Rebels for Peace

Rebels for Peace is a youth-led initiative to create a more peaceful Chicago. Founded in 2016 by Dajohn White and the One Solution team, Rebels for Peace works directly with youth and schools from several communities in Chicago to discover new solutions to violence. The organization also offers education, empowerment, and support to help youth maintain healthier and more resilient mindsets.

Rebels for Peace believes that violence is a symptom of a deeper problem: a lack of hope and opportunity for youth in Chicago. The organization works to address this problem by providing youth with the tools and resources they need to create a better future for themselves and their communities.

Rebels for Peace has several programs and initiatives that support its mission, including:

  • Peacebuilding Workshops teach youth how to resolve conflict peacefully and build positive relationships.
  • Leadership Development Programs help youth develop the skills and confidence they need to be leaders in their communities.
  • Mental Health Support to youth struggling with trauma, stress, and other challenges.
  • Empowerment Programs help youth develop their talents and skills, creating the confidence to achieve their goals.
  • Rebels for Peace in Schools program delivers state-of-the-art resilience and mindset classes to youth in elementary school using a mixture of fun activities and evidence-based Social Emotional curriculums to create an engaging learning experience that ensures impactful and lasting change.

Rebels for Peace is a powerful force for change in Chicago. The organization is making a real difference in the lives of youth and helping to create a more peaceful future for the city.

Here are some additional details about Rebels for Peace:

  • Dajohn White and Patrick Jimmar lead the organization, passionate about creating a peaceful Chicago.
  • Rebels for Peace has worked with over 1,000 youth since its founding.
  • The organization has received numerous awards and recognition, including the 2018 Chicago Peace Prize.

To learn more about Rebels for Peace, please visit their website at or email our Program Manager, Kayla Sims, at

Here is what Dajohn says about the Rebels for Peace:

I started Rebels for Peace to enlighten people about the amazing power we have within ourselves. I want to educate them that even in their darkest times, they can still find the light within themselves without any external factors. They don't need to put their pain on anyone else to brighten their spirit, and they don't need to spend hours in therapy or take prescription drugs to heal the pain they feel inside. We believe that people change from the inside out, not the other way around. Once people see that change starts from within, they will stop looking for external factors to bring them internal happiness.

Dajohn White, Youth Leader and Co-founder of the Rebels for Peace

The Jetpack for Youth Leadership Program

The Jetpack for Youth Leadership Internship is a one-month experience that develops in-depth insights into the power of the mind and combines that learning with impactful creative expression and community engagement.

We created this program because youth is the future, and we want to give leaders the push, encouragement, and transformational insights they need to put a jetpack on their flight to success. Together, we can all create change from the inside out.

To show your support of this program, click here

Below are some of our previous youth leaders and their projects:

Rebels for Peace Leadership Interns

Creative Projects

Here are some of the projects that our youth leaders created with us, speaking out on issues that are important to them in a creative way. (More coming soon!)

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